
The furniture pieces that form part of the Van Tilburg collection are mainly of Flemish-Dutch origin and include some of the oldest furniture in South Africa, specifically the Mediaeval Chest from the 1500s, the iron handles of which it is believed that they date from the 1100s. Other interesting works include oak, ebony and palissander wood pieces with some of the pieces showing architectural influences from the time and one of the pieces, the Kussenkast, even concealing hidden drawers on the inside of the two doors, behind false panels.

Selected works:
Zeeuwsche vierdeurkast, Kolommenkast, Kussenkast, Mediaeval Chest, Dutch Clock

Engelenburghuismuseum, UP Van Tilburg Collection

DUFFEY, A.E., TILEY-NEL, S., DE KAMPER, G., ERNST, J. 2008. The Art and Heritage Collections of the University of Pretoria. Pretoria: University of Pretoria.